ISO Standards and More 17 Dec 2023

ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems

ISO 45001 is a standard that supports companies in identifying workplace hazards that could lead to health impairments, ensuring a safe working environment.

ISO 45001, an international standard dedicated to an effective occupational health and safety (OHS) management system, marks a milestone in employee safety. It provides organizations with tools to identify and minimize occupational risks, leading to a reduction in workplace accidents and occupational diseases.

The Importance of ISO 45001

The key goal of ISO 45001 is to implement transparent and effective processes that enhance the level of occupational health and safety. The standard focuses on aspects such as OHS policy, employee engagement, hazard identification, risk assessment and management, considering legal aspects.

Evolution of the Standard: From BS OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001

ISO 45001, published on March 12, 2018, replaced the British standard BS OHSAS 18001. BS OHSAS certificates became invalid in September 2021.

Why is ISO 45001 Certification Crucial?

ISO 45001 certification is fundamentally important for several reasons, including:

  • Hazard Detection and Elimination: Effectively identifying and addressing shortcomings in OHS.
  • Improved Employee Health and Motivation: Reducing employee burden and increasing their motivation.
  • Enhanced Legal Security: Increasing compliance with legal regulations and reducing liability risks.
  • Competitive Advantage: Attractiveness to employees and assurance of compliance with norms and standards.
  • Cost Savings and Higher Efficiency: Reducing absenteeism and maintaining high productivity.
  • Increased Safety Awareness Among Employees: Engaging personnel in OHS issues.

Integration with Existing Management Systems

ISO 45001 shares a common structure with other management standards, facilitating its integration with systems such as ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management). This makes it an excellent tool for organizations of any size and industry, including small businesses and public institutions.

Comprehensive Set: ISO 45001 + ISO 45003 and ISO 45005

These additional standards expand the scope of occupational health and safety management, covering employee mental health and safety procedures in extraordinary situations such as pandemics.

Together, these standards form a comprehensive set of tools for effectively managing workplace risks.

ISO 45003: This standard focuses on psychological health and safety aspects, providing guidelines for managing psychological and social factors that can affect employee well-being. It is particularly important in the context of growing awareness of mental health and changing work environments.

ISO 45005: This standard focuses on risk management and ensuring workplace safety during pandemics or other extraordinary health situations. It includes guidelines for minimizing the risk of infectious disease transmission in the workplace and ensuring business continuity under challenging conditions.


ISO 45001 represents a global consensus in the field of workplace safety, enabling organizations to create safe working conditions. With its universality and adaptability, this standard is an essential tool for managing OHS, contributing to increased safety, efficiency, and organizational culture.


Article author

Piotr Feltynowski

Certification Analyst


At Certiget, Piotr plays a key role in analyzing and comparing certification offers. He is responsible for preparing detailed comparative summaries that take into account various aspects of the offers. In his work, he utilizes analytical skills, precision, and knowledge of ISO standards and certification regulations.

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